SAP Professional? Get More Referrals With SRS

Are you looking to get more substance abuse referrals to your practice? Are you considering becoming a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP)?

A SAP clinician specializes in evaluations for employees who recently violated DOT drug and alcohol regulations. Substance Abuse Professionals make suggestions and advise employers and employees on matters regarding drug and alcohol education, types of treatment, follow-up tests, and aftercare.

Substance Abuse Professionals keep roads safe by ensuring safety-sensitive employees are completely drug and/or alcohol free before they return to their safety sensitive functions following a testing violation. It is their job to evaluate the employee and recommend treatment and/or education. Once the employee has shown compliance, and has received a follow-up evaluation, the SAP can give authorization for the employee to submit to a return to duty drug and/or alcohol test.

Qualifications and Credentials for a DOT Qualified SAP

The Department of Transportation mandates that a SAP must complete specific training and examinations. SRS verifies that you meet DOT requirements and hold qualifications including being a licensed or certified physician, psychologist, social worker, employee assistance professional, marriage and family therapist, or drug and alcohol counselor.

SAP Referrals and Partnering with a Service Agent

Service agents are helpful to both SAPs as well as employers and employees. For SAPs, service agents can provide them with referrals to employees who need return to duty evaluations quickly. When a SAP partners with a service agent they can expect to receive more referrals than if they marketed by themselves. This saves the SAP time and the potential cost of marketing and opens up their schedule to be able to provide more evaluations.

Service agents help employees and employers find SAP referrals in their area quickly. While SAP lists are readily available online, they are often unreliable and contain SAPs with outdated qualifications. This leaves employees with the responsibility to review and confirm the SAPs qualifications, as well as calling multiple SAPs, and waiting on returned calls.

Contact SRS today to find out more about how we can get you more referrals faster.