Drug and/or Alcohol Tests for DOT-Mandated Employees

Do you need to find a SAP due to a failed drug and/or alcohol test? Safety-sensitive DOT-mandated employees must remain drug and/or alcohol free to ensure public safety and prevent accidents caused by employees who are under the influence. Examples of DOT-mandated, safety-sensitive employees include, but are not limited to, train conductors, pilots, tractor trailer drivers, and pipeline transportation operators. The DOT has strict regulations in place to enforce these requirements, including regular drug tests and alcohol tests.

Drug and Alcohol Testing for Safety-Sensitive DOT-Mandated Employees

Safety-sensitive DOT-mandated employees are subject to drug and alcohol tests in a variety of instances. The first is pre-employment testing. Any applicant who will be performing safety-sensitive duties must submit to a drug test before they are hired. This is to ensure that they are drug-free before they begin their job.

The second instance is random drug and alcohol testing. DOT-mandated employees are subject to random testing throughout the year. This ensures that employees are maintaining their drug and alcohol-free status and are not using substances on the job. It also acts as a deterrent to employees who may be tempted to use drugs or alcohol on the job.

The third instance is reasonable suspicion testing. If a supervisor has reason to believe that an employee is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they can require the employee to submit to a test. This can be based on behaviors, physical symptoms, or any other indication that the employee may be under the influence.

The fourth instance is post-accident testing. After certain accidents, employees will need to submit to a drug and/or alcohol test. This is to determine if drugs or alcohol played a role in the accident and ensure that the employee was not under the influence at the time.

The fifth is return-to-duty testing. This includes the drug and/or alcohol test once the employee has shown compliance with their SAPs recommended treatment and/or education.

The sixth is follow-up testing. The SAP must recommend a minimum of 6 tests in the first year and may extend follow-up testing up to 60 months after the employee returns to their safety-sensitive duties.

Failed Drug or Alcohol Test? Find a SAP Quickly!

If an employee fails a drug or alcohol test, they are removed from their position and must complete the return to duty process. The first step to the return to duty process is to find a SAP in their area. Next they must undergo an evaluation by a substance abuse professional (SAP), completion of the recommended treatment and/or education program, and a return to duty alcohol and/or drug test. Once an employee successfully completes this process, they may be eligible to return to their job.

Find a SAP With SRS

If you are a DOT-mandated employee who has failed a drug and/or alcohol test and need help to find a SAP in your area, contact SRS today. SRS is a nationally recognized service agent with a network of qualified SAPs nationwide. Their team of experienced professionals can help you navigate the process and get back on track. Don’t wait – get in touch with SRS today and take the first step towards returning to your safety-sensitive duties.