An In-Depth Look at Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Drug and alcohol addiction is a serious issue that affects millions of people around the world and can affect anyone, regardless of their age, gender or background. It can be difficult to overcome without the right support and professional help. Addiction is a chronic disorder characterized by compulsive drug or alcohol use despite negative consequences. People who suffer from addiction often feel powerless to stop their behavior, even when it has serious consequences for their health, relationships, and financial well being.

What are the Signs of Drug and Alcohol Abuse?

Drug and alcohol abuse is a major problem in our society, and it can have serious consequences if left untreated. Recognizing the signs of drug and alcohol abuse is the first step to getting help for someone who is struggling with substance use disorder.

The signs of drug and alcohol abuse vary depending on the substance being used. For example, some common signs of drug use include changes in behavior, mood swings, changes in physical appearance or hygiene habits, financial problems due to spending money on drugs or alcohol, and withdrawing from activities they once enjoyed. Similarly, some common signs of alcohol use include impaired judgment or coordination, slurred speech, bloodshot eyes or flushed skin tone, changes in sleep patterns or appetite levels due to drinking too much.

It is important to be aware of these common signs so that you can recognize them early on if someone close to you is struggling.

How Does Drug and Alcohol Addiction Affect Friends & Family?

Substance abuse can have a devastating effect on the people closest to the person struggling with addiction. It can cause immense emotional pain, financial strain, and a feeling of helplessness for those who are trying to help their loved one. Not only does substance abuse take its toll on the user, but it can also damage the relationships of family and friends.

Treatment for Addiction

Professional help can provide much-needed support and guidance to those seeking recovery from addiction. From inpatient treatment programs to individual counseling sessions, there is a range of professional help available to assist individuals in their journey towards sobriety.

Has Addiction Cost You Your Safety-Sensitive Position? SRS Can Help

If you are struggling with an addiction that has cost you your job, SAP Referral Services can help. They can schedule employees with a SAP in their area typically with in 72-business hours. Contact SAP Referral Services today to get started on the path to recovery.