Addiction Statistics in the Workplace: Understanding the Impact on Safety

Have you been directed to complete the return to duty process due to a failed drug and/or alcohol test? Addiction is a complex issue that affects individuals across all walks of life. Addiction among safety-sensitive employees affects not only the employee but their colleagues and the general public as well. This is why mandatory drug and alcohol testing for safety-sensitive employees is a crucial measure to ensure the safety of the employee, their colleagues, and the general public. These employees are entrusted with tasks that directly impact public safety, and early detection of substance abuse is essential to prevent accidents, injuries, and potential disasters. By adhering to stringent regulations and conducting regular testing, employers help safeguard the integrity of these positions, reduce liability, and create a safer environment for everyone involved.

The Prevalence of Addiction in the Workplace

Addiction is a pervasive concern in workplaces, with statistics highlighting its far-reaching impact:

  1. Increased Absenteeism: According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD), employees with substance use disorders are more likely to miss work, leading to increased absenteeism.
  2. Impaired Productivity: The National Safety Council (NSC) reports that employees with addiction issues are more likely to experience decreased productivity, costing employers billions each year.
  3. Safety Risks: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) states that employees struggling with substance abuse are more prone to workplace accidents and injuries.
  4. Healthcare Costs: The American Journal of Health Promotion estimates that healthcare costs for employees with substance abuse disorders are nearly double those for non-users, impacting both employees and employers.

Addiction statistics provide valuable insights into the prevalence and impact of substance abuse on individuals and societies. These numbers reveal the scale of the problem, its consequences, and the urgent need for awareness, prevention, and treatment. From alcohol to opioids, addiction takes many forms, affecting millions of lives globally. Understanding these statistics is a crucial step in addressing this complex and pervasive issue, offering hope for recovery and the opportunity to reduce its devastating toll on individuals and communities.

  • Substance Abuse Prevalence: Substance abuse is a widespread issue, with an estimated 20.3 million people aged 12 or older in the United States having a substance use disorder in 2019.
  • Alcohol Abuse: In the U.S., alcohol remains one of the most commonly abused substances, with approximately 14.5 million adults having an alcohol use disorder.
  • Opioid Epidemic: Opioid addiction has been a significant concern. In 2019, about 10.1 million people misused opioids, including prescription pain relievers and heroin.
  • Economic Impact: Substance abuse and addiction have a substantial economic impact, costing the United States over $600 billion annually in healthcare costs, lost productivity, and criminal justice expenses.

Addiction’s Impact on Safety-Sensitive Employees – What Happens if They Fail a Drug or Alcohol Test and Have to Complete the Return to Duty Process?

When it comes to safety-sensitive jobs, understanding the impact of addiction is crucial. When a safety-sensitive employee fails a drug and/or alcohol test, a series of crucial steps is initiated to ensure the safety and well-being of all involved. The employee is immediately removed from their safety-sensitive duties and must find a  Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) to start the return to duty process. When they meet with their SAP they are given a full evaluation to completely understand the extent of their substance misuse issue. It is not until they comply with the outlined treatment and/or education, receive a follow-up evaluation, and submit a negative result to their follow-up drug and/or alcohol test that they can be considered fit to resume safety-sensitive duties.

Addressing Addiction in the Workplace

Employers of safety-sensitive employees play a pivotal role in fostering a drug and alcohol-free workplace. They can achieve this by implementing and actively promoting comprehensive substance abuse policies and programs. These initiatives include mandatory drug and alcohol testing, ongoing education and awareness campaigns, and readily accessible Substance Abuse Professionals (SAPs) to support employees struggling with substance abuse. Employers should encourage an environment of openness and support, where employees feel comfortable seeking help when needed. By investing in these measures, employers not only promote a safer workplace but also contribute to the well-being and success of their employees, ultimately benefiting the organization as a whole.

Contact SAP Referral Services Today to be Connected with a Qualified Substance Abuse Professional to Start the Return to Duty Process

Addiction statistics in the workplace underscore the critical need for vigilance and intervention. By understanding the impact of addiction in the workplace and taking proactive steps to address it, we can create safer and more productive work environments for everyone. In safety-sensitive roles, where lives and public safety are at stake, addressing addiction is not merely an option but a moral and legal imperative. SAP Referral Services is dedicated to connecting employees to qualified SAPs in their area so they can begin the return to duty process and get started on a path of sobriety. Contact us today to learn more.