Finding the Best SAP Professional

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) categorizes certain employees across their modes as “DOT mandated safety-sensitive employees.” These individuals drive vehicles, such as trains, buses, and trucks, that require them to stay alert and focused. Being under the influence while at work would mean they put themselves, their coworkers, and the traveling public at risk. To reduce this risk, the DOT implemented drug and alcohol testing and failing means employees must meet with a SAP professional. Please read on to find out more.

Why DOT Employees are Subject to Testing

In 1991, Congress passed the Omnibus Transportation Testing Act. This Act was passed after several significant transportation accidents made it clear that transportation employees operating vehicles must be required to be sober. While the Act initially only specified drug testing, in 1994, alcohol testing was added as well.

DOT mandated safety-sensitive employees can be in trucking (including school bus drivers), mass transit, aviation, maritime, railroad, and pipeline industries. If an employee refuses or fails their drug and/or alcohol screening, they are required to comply with a return-to-duty process. For the process, a SAP professional specifies what educational programs, therapy and/or other treatment the employee must complete. Once they have complied a follow-up evaluation is performed and they are approved to submit to a return-to-duty test before they may go back to their safety-sensitive duties.

Find a SAP Professional with SAP Referral Services

After an employee or applicant fails drug and/or alcohol testing, their employer must provide them a list of SAP professionals. Unfortunately, the list provided by the employer frequently is not up to date. An up to date list is important for two reasons:

  1. SAP professionals have continuing certifications they need to keep updated; otherwise, they are no longer considered “DOT-qualified”.
  2. The employee must repeat the entire return-to-duty program if they work with a SAP with lapsed qualifications.

The risks of working with an unqualified SAP are high; employees lose time and money. Luckily, SAP Referral Services (SRS) will help you find a DOT-qualified SAP quickly. Plus, SRS has access to SAPs anywhere in the country. SRS has specialists in over 3,000 locations nationwide. That means the SAP you’re connected with will likely be close and convenient.

Sign Up for FastTrack Enrollment Today

The benefits of using SAP Referral Services are clear. We connect you with a SAP that is guaranteed to be fully DOT-qualified at the time of initial evaluation. Our guarantee eliminates the risk of having to repeat the process if you try to find your own SAP and work with a non-qualified professional.

Additionally, SRS typically connects you with a SAP professional within 72 business hours of signing up with us. We get you started on the journey back to work as quickly as possible.

We have helped 25,000+ employees in the return-to-duty process. Start today with our FastTrack Enrollment. In just two simple steps, you will get quick access to a DOT-qualified SAP in your area.

SAP Referral Services (SRS) is the leading facilitator for mandated substance abuse evaluations. SRS maintains an extensive network of qualified providers in more than 3,000 locations nationwide for testing violations that originate from any of the DOT’s modes including FMCSA, FAA, FRA, FTA, USCG and PHMSA, or a company’s internal drug and alcohol testing policy.