Looking for SAP Services in Your Area?
SAP services in your area shouldn’t be hard to find, but unfortunately many people struggle to find a qualified SAP. If you failed a DOT mandated drug or alcohol test, you’ll need to seek SAP services. Find SAP Services: Step-By-Step In order to find SAP services in your area you have to do some research. […]

Do You Need Drug and Alcohol Counseling for a Failed DOT Drug Test?
If you fail a DOT drug and alcohol test you may be required to seek drug and alcohol counseling by going through the SAP process. If you are a DOT regulated employee and work in a safety sensitive position, in the public transit, trucking, aviation, maritime, railroad or pipeline industries and have violated a DOT […]

FMCSA Drug Screen Test for Truckers
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has six major trucking companies seeking approval for hair analysis in replacement of urine testing for pre-employment drug screening. This change for the FMCSA drug screen test for truckers would provide more reliable results, as hair analysis may better detect controlled substance use. Carriers that are requesting the change […]

Post-Accident Drug Testing: Rates Climb
Monitoring post-accident drug testing has always been important for employers. Promoting a drug-free workplace increases overall productivity and morale. To keep track of the post-accident drug testing statistics, the experts at Quest Diagnostics have analyzed workplace drug testing data and insights since 1988. You can find these analytics in the Quest Diagnostics Drug Testing Index […]

DOT Drug Testing Rules Proposed to Change
DOT drug testing rules are proposed to change based on a document released by the Secretary of Transportation. The proposal is to “amend its drug-testing program regulation to add four opioids (hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxymorphone, and oxycodone) to its drug testing panel.” Also in the running to be added to the panel is methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) while […]

Recover from Addiction and Get Back to Work Fast!
When you fail a drug test as safety-sensitive employee mandated by the DOT, you are not permitted to perform safety-sensitive duties until you have seen a DOT qualified Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) and successfully completed the return-to-duty process. Many times those who fail drug tests are not just one-off offenders, they are struggling with an […]

DOT SAP Evaluation and Case Study: Public Safety Regulations Make a Difference
When an employee is required to receive a DOT SAP evaluation many times they are frustrated, confused and just want to get back to work. Without knowing all that is involved, employees may feel overwhelmed with the process. Their employers may give them a list of qualified SAPs and they are sent on their way. […]

Employee Drug Use at Your Workplace?
No one wants to deal with employee drug use at their workplace, but the fact remains that it happens far too often. More than 70 percent of substance abusers hold jobs; one worker in four, ages 18 to 34 used drugs in the past year and one worker in three knows of drug sales in […]

Fake DOT Exam Certifications Issued by Medical Examiner
A medical examiner in Atlanta, George was recently arrested and charged by federal investigators for issuing fake DOT exam certifications. These fake DOT exam certifications were issued without performing a full medical exam. Unfortunately, “Dr. Anthony Lefteris, who operated out of an Atlanta-area Petro truck stop, could have issued certifications to thousands of truck drivers.” […]

Find a DOT SAP Provider FAST!
Finding a DOT SAP provider can be difficult. You need a DOT SAP evaluation if you are a DOT regulated employee and work in a safety sensitive position, in the public transit, trucking, aviation, maritime, railroad or pipeline industries and have violated a DOT drug and alcohol testing regulation. In order to find a SAP […]