DOT Qualified SAP Program for Truck Drivers and Safety-Sensitive Employees

Have you recently failed a drug and/or alcohol test and are now searching for a SAP for truck drivers? The Department of Transportation treats safety very seriously for all truck drivers and all safety-sensitive employees mandated under the DOT. If you are a DOT-mandated employee and have failed a drug and/or alcohol test, you will be removed from your safety-sensitive duties and referred to a DOT-qualified SAP for an evaluation. Tired of looking for a SAP on your own? SAP Referral Services (SRS) can schedule you with a DOT qualified SAP to help you get through the return-to-duty process.

When a Drug Test May be Required

There are a number of reasons you may be required to take a drug and/or alcohol test, including:

  1. Pre-employment screenings: prior to employment, you are required to undergo a drug and/or alcohol test to determine there are no impairing substances in your system.
  2. Following some accidents: if you have been involved in an accident on the job, you may be required to undergo a drug and/or alcohol test to make sure you were not impaired at the time of the accident.
  3. Follow-up testing and return-to-duty: if you have been in a SAP program due to a previous positive drug and/or alcohol test you will be required to take a return-to-duty test before returning to work. Depending on the recommendations outlined by your SAP, you will have to undergo follow-up tests to determine that you have not relapsed and present a danger to others.
  4. Reasonable suspicion: if your employer has reasonable suspicion you are using drugs and/or alcohol on the job they can refer you to submit to a drug and/or alcohol test.
  5. Random: certain safety-sensitive positions require that all employees in that position undergo random drug and/or alcohol screenings.

Find a SAP Program for Truck Drivers, or Other DOT-Mandated Employees

If you have a positive drug and/or alcohol screening, and you have been ordered to undergo a SAP evaluation for truck drivers, the professionals at SRS can connect you with a qualified SAP in your area. Your SAP will perform your evaluation, refer you to an education or treatment program and make recommendations to your employer about return-to-duty. Get in touch with SRS today!