Tired of Your SAP List Failing to Provide Quality SAP Professionals?

There are many things that are tough on employers today, including finding enough qualified workers for the open positions. Once you have qualified staff in place, retaining that staff can be of utmost importance. It can feel impossible when employees are placed out of work due to a failed drug and/or alcohol test. Fortunately, employers have options and can facilitate the SAP processes to get their employees back to work as quickly as possible, like connecting their employees to qualified SAP professionals.

How Do SAP Professionals Help with the SAP Process?

Before your employee returns to their safety-sensitive duties, they will have to go through the return-to-duty process. The employee will first have to have a face-to-face evaluation with a Substance Abuse Professional for an assessment. During that meeting, they will receive a recommendation for education and/or treatment. The employer will get a report of this recommendation as well. The SAP will then monitor their compliance throughout the plan and have another in-person evaluation to ensure the recommendations were complied with. The process can take a varied amount of time based the employees unique recommendations. Once compliance has been shown, a return to duty drug and/or alchol will occur and those tests will have to come back negative for the employee to return to any safety-sensitive position.

Finding SAP Professionals: A SAP List vs. Service Agents

An employee could find a provider on a SAP list online but they can’t be certain that the SAP has current qualifications, or availability. It is easier, and faster, to connect to a service agent, such as SAP Referral Services (SRS) when your employees are in need of a DOT and SAP qualified professional. This ensures that the employee can get started quickly, and that the SAP’s qualifications are up-to-date.

If you need SAP professionals, contact SRS to talk about your options.