Staying Sober This Holiday Season

Are you concerned about the DOT drug testing rules when it comes to the holiday season? When you are a safety-sensitive employee, you must remain sober while on the job. It is not just your life but the lives of others that can be compromised if you give in to temptation to pick up a drink or abuse drugs.

The holidays are a time for festivities and merrymaking for most people and unfortunately, there is typically a lot of alcohol involved. Between the stress of perfecting the holiday for friends or family, potential extended holiday hours to work, and nerves that are involved with seeing extended family, there’s a lot of pressure and many people turn to drugs and/or alcohol to take the edge off.

Why are Holidays a Hard Time to Stay Sober

Holidays are a time where everyone indulges themselves and lets loose. There is a prevailing mindset that consumes many people during the holiday season, leading to excessive gifts, spending, food, and alcohol.

You might feel burdened when you are the only one staying sober while your family and friends celebrate with alcohol.

Working during the festivities can also make it difficult to stay sober and avoid any alcohol consistently. Whether it’s work, stress, or family, holidays can be a challenging time to follow DOT mandates.

Tips to Stay Sober This Holiday Season

If you’re working hard to stay sober, or know that there are DOT drug testing rules that will apply to you, here are a few tips you can use to stay sober:

  • Increase your social support network: Ensure you have a network of family, friends, and colleagues that will support your decision of staying sober
  • Take care of yourself: Take the time to treat yourself to something nice. Keep your body, mind, and heart in the right place
  • Know your limits: If you know something or someone will tempt you into drinking, it’s best to stay away from the situation
  • Create new traditions: Holidays don’t have to be all about drinking – make traditions revolving around family and fun instead of focusing on excesses
  • Make sobriety a priority in your life during the holiday season

DOT Drug Testing Rules: Consequences For Failing

If you are on the brink of tipping and are thinking about using, it’s time to remind yourself of what can happen when you fail an alcohol or drug test.

  • You will be removed from DOT-regulated safety-sensitive functions
  • You will need to undergo an evaluation by a Substance Abuse Professional
  • Provided a negative test for alcohol or drugs after you have complied with the SAP’s recommendations
  • You will be subjected to unannounced testing for a period of time, even after the process has finished

Do the DOT Drug Testing Rules Apply to You? Contact SRS When You Need Help

If you face problems with staying compliant with the DOT drug testing rules, it’s time to get some help. Contact SRS to get the help you need, whether it’s during the holidays or any other time.