Guaranteed Access to a Qualified SAP Program in North Dakota

Any DOT mandated safety-sensitive employee who fails or refuses drug and/or alcohol testing is immediately removed from their duties. To return to work you must comply with a return-to-duty program. These programs are overseen by DOT-qualified Substance Abuse Professionals (SAPs). Unfortunately, failing to go through the proper channels to find a SAP or connecting with one with lapsed credentials means you likely remain out of work for an extended period of time. Do you know where to start your search for a SAP? At SAP Referral Services we are here to help when you need a SAP provider in North Dakota, or anywhere in the U.S. Read on to learn more about our services.

When is a SAP Provider Necessary?

The Department of Transportation takes safety seriously. Their goal is to keep employees and the American public out of harm’s way. To that end, they mandate random and targeted drug and alcohol testing for all DOT mandated safety-sensitive employees. Employees who work in all modes overseen by the DOT must submit to testing. This includes employees who work for companies mandated by the the FMCSA, PHMSA, FTA, FRA and more.

If someone in a DOT mandated safety-sensitive position fails or refuses drug and/or alcohol testing, DOT considers them incapable of handling their responsibilities. Fortunately, the DOT offers an avenue of remediation through federal regulation Part 40. This is a program that starts with the employee seeing a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP).

First, you must meet with a SAP for an initial evaluation. The SAP will give the evaluation and let you know what next steps you need to take. Those steps can include treatment, education, and/or counseling. If you successfully comply with the program, the SAP will make a recommendation for you to submit to a return-to-duty test. It is important to note, a minimum of six follow-up tests will occur within the first 12 months of returning to safety-sensitive duty.

Need a SAP Provider in North Dakota? Discover SAP Referral Services

DOT regulated employers must provide a SAP list to their employees. However, SAP credentials expire on a revolving basis complicating the process. If you work with a SAP whose DOT qualifications have expired, your return-to-duty process will be null and void. Repeating the process costs you more time and money.

However, at SAP Referral Services we guarantee to connect you with a SAP that is fully DOT-qualified at the time of your initial meeting. We offer FastTrack Enrollment for quick and easy access to a SAP near you. We can usually get you scheduled with a SAP within 72 business hours. Over 25,000+ employees partnered with us so they could get back to work as soon as possible. Helping you get the support you need is always our number one priority.

SAP Referral Services (SRS) is the leading facilitator for mandated substance abuse evaluations. SRS maintains an extensive network of qualified providers in more than 3,000 locations nationwide for testing violations that originate from any of the DOT’s modes including FMCSA, FAA, FRA, FTA, USCG and PHMSA, or a company’s internal drug and alcohol testing policy.