Who Pays for an Employee’s SAP Program?

In 1991 the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act established drug and alcohol testing regulations to ensure public safety. The goal is for all aircraft, trains, trucks, and buses to be operated in a safe and responsible manner. DOT agencies that must abide by these regulations include: FAA, FTA, FMSCA, FRA, PHMSA and USCG. Therefore, if you are an employer of DOT mandated safety-sensitive employees in any of these modes, it is crucial to understand the drug and alcohol regulations.

SAP Program Requirements

Should any of your safety-sensitive employees refuse or fail a drug and/or alcohol test you must immediately remove them from their safety-sensitive duties. Next, they must complete a SAP program before they can return to work.

The employee undergoes an initial face-to-face evaluation by a DOT-qualified Substance Abuse Professional (SAP). From there, the SAP completes an assessment and creates a plan that may include education and/or treatment. As the employer, you will receive a report outlining the SAP’s recommendation. Finally, when the employee has shown to comply with the SAP’s guidelines, a face-to-face follow-up SAP evaluation will be performed and they will give their recommendations for submitting to a return-to-duty test.

Who is Responsible for the Cost of the SAP Program?

There is no law stipulating who pays for an employee’s SAP program. Employers have the choice whether they want to cover some, none, or all of the costs for their employee(s). Regardless of your decision about who pays for a SAP program, we recommend including that information in your employee policies. A clear code of conduct assists safety-sensitive employees, who are subject to workplace drug and alcohol testing, in understanding your requirements as well as the DOT regulations.

Get Help from SAP Referral Services

As the employer, it’s your responsibility to either provide a list of Substance Abuse Professionals, or a referral to a service agent, to your employees who need a SAP program. It can be a daunting task since the list of DOT-qualified SAPs is constantly changing as these professionals’ certifications lapse or expire. However, help is available.

Every day SAP Referral Services assists employers adhere to federal regulations and company policies. Our team takes the burden off of you by connecting your employees with a qualified SAP program anywhere in the US. We have a vast network of DOT-qualified providers in over 3,000 locations nationwide. Contact us today for more information.

SAP Referral Services (SRS) is the leading facilitator for mandated substance abuse evaluations. SRS maintains an extensive network of qualified providers in more than 3,000 locations nationwide for testing violations that originate from any of the DOT’s modes including FMCSA, FAA, FRA, FTA, USCG and PHMSA, or a company’s internal drug and alcohol testing policy.