When You Need to Find a SAP Provider in Texas

Working for companies mandated by the Department of Transportation, in any role, is an important task. For DOT mandated safety-sensitive employees the obligation to maintain a safe working environment means they must be alcohol- and drug-free while on the job. Therefore, the DOT requires drug and alcohol screening prior to hiring and after accidents involving injuries or vehicle damage. Additionally, the DOT requires random testing to ensure constant compliance. What happens if you fail or refuse to take a drug and/or alcohol test? First, you’ll be removed from your safety-sensitive duties. Next, the DOT mandates that you meet with a SAP, a Substance Abuse Professional. You must comply with a prescribed return-to-duty process before you can return to safety-sensitive work. If you find yourself in need of a SAP provider in Texas, or your own home state, please read on to learn more about the process.

How Can a SAP Help You?

If you are removed from your position due to a failed drug or alcohol test, you may be eligible to return to work after complying with a return-to-duty process recommended by your SAP. When you begin the program the SAP counselor will evaluate you and your substance use/abuse. From there, the SAP determines the type of program you need. The guidelines vary from group therapy and meetings, to outpatient therapy with a licensed addiction specialist, or even Intensive Outpatient Therapy. Some may be required to complete several hours of therapy per week, while others are assigned inpatient rehabilitation.

SAP Providers Get You Back To Work

Throughout the process your SAP counselor will keep in touch with you and monitor progress and your compliance. Please note, it is essential to work with a SAP who is qualified according to the DOT guidelines. Otherwise, the work you put into your return-to-duty process will not be accepted.

Once you’ve complied with the SAP’s recommendations, your counselor will have a final exit interview with you. Based on the results of your interview and your compliance with the program, the counselor can then recommend that you can submit to a return-to-duty test.

Choose SAP Referral Services

When you’re seeking a SAP provider in Texas, or anywhere across the country, choose SAP Referral Services. Discover our FastTrack Enrollment for quick access to DOT-qualified SAP providers who want to help people just like you. We have SAPs in over 3,000 locations nationwide who can provide recommendations and/or treatment to get you back to work fast! Visit us online or give us a call to learn more today!

SAP Referral Services (SRS) is the leading facilitator for mandated substance abuse evaluations. SRS maintains an extensive network of qualified providers in more than 3,000 locations nationwide for testing violations that originate from any of the DOT’s modes including FMCSA, FAA, FRA, FTA, USCG and PHMSA, or a company’s internal drug and alcohol testing policy.