What is the Revised CCF and What Should DOT-Regulated Employers Know?

Employers that operate businesses that involve the use of federally regulated transportation roadways, railroads, subways, pipelines, marine, or airways are required to follow DOT-mandated drug testing rules. This includes ordering employees to complete drug testing in certain circumstances. However, employers and test centers need to be aware that a new revised CCF has been released and must now accompany all drug test results or they will be considered invalid as of August 30th, 2021.

The Revised Federal Drug Testing Custody and Control Form (CCF) is an integral part of the testing process and must be correctly filled out and submitted to remain in compliance with DOT rules. The updated CCF can be found here.

What Has Changed on the Revised CCF?

While the revised CCF may look similar to the old CCF, its use is mandated now that August 30th has passed. For the most part, it was altered in order to make room for testing via oral fluid specimens, even though the oral drug testing method has not yet been approved by DOT for use in mandated drug testing.

What Happens if the Old CCF Is Used?

The DOT is aware that there may be some mistakes made as the revised CCF is put into play, and for that reason there are a few steps that a vendor can take if they use the old CCF when performing a DOT mandated safety test. If the old CCF is accidentally used, then a memorandum of the record must be included with it verifying that all information required is contained within the old CCF. It also must include a list of steps that will be taken in the future to ensure that only the revised CCF is used from this point on.

Employers Should Remind Vendors of the Revised CCF

While vendors should know about the updated form, employers should make it a point to reach out to them and remind them of the DOT updates. An improperly conducted drug test will result in lost time as an employee will need to retest before joining the workforce. Therefore, it is in the best interest for employees and employers to ensure that only the revised CCF is used.

If you are a DOT-regulated employer, it may be time to join the SRS network for prompt access to DOT-mandated SAP providers and on-going information about changes in DOT regulations. Give us a call today at 410-668-8110, or contact us, to learn more.
