What are the FAA DOT Drug Testing Rules for New Employees?

Aviation is an excellent career path that offers a range of exciting opportunities for growth and development. However, you are required to comply with specific pre-employment regulations before you start working as a safety-sensitive aviation employee.

Besides submitting tons of paperwork and presenting yourself to background checks, FAA DOT drug testing rules require pre-employment drug and alcohol testing.

All safety-sensitive employees in the aviation industry also have to submit to these drug and alcohol tests randomly since they are intended to keep the public and the skies safe.

About FAA DOT Drug Testing Rules

The Federal Aviation Administration asserts that the aviation sector is a “drug and alcohol-free departmental workplace.” Even the possession and use of legalized medical or recreational marijuana is prohibited as per DOT and FAA regulations.

DOT drug tests are conducted in lab settings as per 49 CFR Part 40, and 14 CFR Part 120 and tests for the following substances:

  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Opiates
  • Amphetamines
  • Phencyclidine

Employees, including flight attendants, crew members, and ground security staff, require drug and alcohol testing. Drug and alcohol tests are required for pre-employment, as part of the return to duty process, at random, post-accident, or in instances where they have reasonable suspicion that the employee may be impaired.

Employees who fail drug and/or alcohol tests are immediately suspended from safety-sensitive positions. These employees have to undergo evaluations, treatment, counseling, and/or educational programs, and follow-up testing under the guidance of a DOT-approved SAP (Substance Abuse Professional). Return-to-duty documents provided by the SAP are necessary to be considered to resume safety-sensitive duties.

Contact Us

If you failed your drug or alcohol test as per DOT FAA drug testing rules, you need to undergo an evaluation under a qualified SAP. SRS is a leading facilitator that works with SAPs in over 3,000 locations in America. We can get you connected with an approved SAP in as few as 72 hours. To learn more about our referral service programs, give us a call at 410-668-8110, or click here to contact us.