SAP Providers for PHMSA Mandated Employees

It is vital that all DOT mandated safety-sensitive employees overseen by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) closely follow safety guidelines. However, even the most attentive, careful employee is much more likely to make a mistake if they’re struggling with substance abuse. Substance Abuse Professionals (SAPs) and the services they offer are essential to help employees overcome these problems and get back to work while safeguarding the health of their coworkers and the public. If you have failed or refused a drug and/or alcohol test, you’re not alone. When you partner with SAP Referral Services, we make finding SAP providers in your area fast and easy. Please read on to learn more.

Administration of Drug Tests

Operators and contractors at pipeline facilities and those who work transporting natural gas, hazardous liquids, liquefied natural gas, and other pipelines must submit to DOT mandated drug testing. Drug tests must be administered pre-employment and at random intervals over the course of employment. Additionally, any employees associated with an accident may also undergo drug and/or alcohol testing.

SAP Providers Save Lives

Safety-sensitive employees adhering to regulations may mean the difference between life and death, and not just for the workers; a serious pipeline leak can wreak havoc on local communities by polluting the water supply, disrupting agriculture, or other problems. Treatment lead by qualified SAP providers helps minimize the risk of accidents on the job by making sure employees are ready to return to work after failing a drug and/or alcohol test.

SAP Programs Get Employees Back on the Job

When an employee fails or refuses a drug and/or alcohol test, they may be suffering from a substance abuse problem. Consequently, their employer can’t take the risk of letting them come into work, so they will be removed from their safety-sensitive duties. During this time, the workplace will be understaffed, and the worker is missing their paycheck. When an employee quickly connects with a DOT-qualified SAP provider, they can begin the return-to-duty process and prove that they’re fit to return to work.

Work with a Qualified SAP

It’s essential that your SAP provider is DOT qualified. If your SAP lacks these proper qualifications, then any steps you’ve taken will not be considered toward your return-to-duty process and you won’t be able to return to work. When you need SAP services, look no further than SAP Referral Services’ FastTrack Enrollment Program. Our affiliate network contains providers in over 3,000 locations across the United States and we can connect employees with qualified, professional SAP providers fast. Click here to learn more!

SAP Referral Services (SRS) is the leading facilitator for mandated substance abuse evaluations. SRS maintains an extensive network of qualified providers in more than 3,000 locations nationwide for testing violations that originate from any of the DOT’s modes including FMCSA, FAA, FRA, FTA, USCG and PHMSA, or a company’s internal drug and alcohol testing policy.