SAP Program in California for FTA Mandated Employees

Public transit operators are responsible for the safe travel of hundreds, if not thousands, of people each day. Whether you drive a bus or operate a subway or train, it is important to know that operating any mode of public transportation while you are under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol is prohibited. In fact, due to the recent rise in positive rates, the FTA increased the rate of random drug tests for DOT mandated safety-sensitive employees. Should you fail or refuse a DOT drug and/or alcohol test, it is essential to know your next steps. You will be immediately removed from your safety-sensitive duties and you must complete a SAP program. If you are a FTA mandated employee and you need a SAP program in California, or anywhere nationwide, please read on for more information.

Help Finding a SAP Program in California

Many people think that once they fail a drug and/or alcohol test that their career is over. Thankfully, this isn’t always the case. You must complete a return-to-duty program before you can be considered to return to your safety-sensitive duties. Finding a SAP (Substance Abuse Professional) is the first step.

Many employees do not know where to begin to start the return to duty process. At SAP Referral Services we have helped over 20,000 employees navigate this processes. Our list of DOT qualified SAPs includes specialists in over 3,000 locations, so no matter where you live, we have you covered.

Once we connect you with a SAP you’ve started your journey to get back to work. After an initial assessment your SAP will recommend treatment and/or educational requirements. When you’ve complied with these recommendations, the SAP performs a follow-up assessment. If the SAP is satisfied with your compliance, you will be given approval to submit to a return-to-duty test. Additionally, you may have instructions for aftercare and follow-up testing.

Discover FastTrack Enrollment

Locating a SAP on your own is possible. However, if the SAP you find has let their DOT qualifications lapse, you may waste your time and money with a program that won’t qualify you to return to your safety-sensitive duties. SAP Referral Services guarantees that every SAP on their list is DOT qualified at the time of your initial evaluation.

When you need a SAP program in California, or anywhere nationwide, our FastTrack Enrollment is the best place to start. Your enrollment includes everything you need to start your SAP program and get back to work quickly. Click here for FastTrack Enrollment.

SAP Referral Services (SRS) is the leading facilitator for mandated substance abuse evaluations. SRS maintains an extensive network of qualified providers in more than 3,000 locations nationwide for testing violations that originate from any of the DOT’s modes including FMCSA, FAA, FRA, FTA, USCG and PHMSA, or a company’s internal drug and alcohol testing policy.