SAP Professional: What Are Some Signs and Symptoms of Drug and Alcohol Abuse?

Are you an employer looking for a SAP professional to help you evaluate your employees who have failed a drug and/or alcohol test? While drug and alcohol addiction can affect those close to someone, a drug or alcohol addiction while performing safety-sensitive functions can harm the public as well.

Addiction is a serious disease that’s characterized by strong cravings that lead to everyday use. It can affect anyone at anytime. Social stigmas may inform you that someone who is suffering from addiction is homeless or in jail. However, it can also affect your workplace as well, and there are some signs that you should be aware of.

SAP Professional Discusses Addiction and the Workplace: What You Need to Know

Common signs of substance abuse and its impact on your workplace include:

  • An increase in absenteeism
  • More accidents than normal and an increase in risk-taking behavior
  • Sudden decline in employee productivity
  • Stealing to support their habit
  • Withdrawal
  • Decline in concentration and focus

Impact of Substance Abuse in the Workplace

Due to substance abuse, your work environment can be financially affected. Employee morale may decrease as other team members struggle to share the extra work load left behind by the person with the problem.

The Department of Transportation has very strict zero tolerance drug policies in place for its employees. The origins lie in the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991 which puts in place stringent drug testing guidelines. These guidelines allow you to ask your workers to submit to a drug and alcohol test, especially in cases where you suspect any kind of substance abuse.

It’s important for you to be aware of the signs of addiction with your employees. Watching for clues will enable you, the employer, to act in time for the safety of your company and those who interact with it. It’s important to foster a workplace that’s drug and alcohol free, which allows your DOT mandated employees to remain in a safety sensitive position. Plus, your work environment can be free of the stress of sudden accidents and limited productivity.

Other signs you should be aware of involve hearing the employee talk openly about financial problems, or asking to borrow money from their coworkers, discussing sudden relationship problems with peers, or showing up disheveled and/or having sudden poor hygiene.

Looking for a SAP Professional to Start Taking Action?

As an employer, you can take steps to address the crisis of substance abuse in your workplace. When your staff consists of safety sensitive employees, drug and alcohol abuse need attention right away. If you suspect anyone on your team of having a problem, contact SRS today at 410-668-8110.

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