Random FAA Testing Requirements for DOT Safety-Sensitive Employees

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is a mode of the Department of Transportation (DOT). The FAA is responsible for ensuring safety standards for the public and all employees, including DOT safety-sensitive employees, and enforcing regulations in the aviation industry.

To ensure public safety, the FAA must implement random drug and/or alcohol testing for DOT safety-sensitive employees. Anyone who operates an aircraft is subject to drug and alcohol testing in the interests of public safety and the preservation of property.

DOT Safety-Sensitive Employees

As part of compliance, the FAA administers drug and alcohol testing for safety-sensitive employees. Employers must administer these tests:

  • Before the appointment of a safety-sensitive employee
  • During an employee’s employment, at random.
  • After an employee returns to work from an SAP program for a drug or alcohol violation
  • When there is a reasonable suspicion of a violation
  • Following an accident

Random Testing

Employers implement random testing to reveal any substance abuse by safety-sensitive employees while on duty. Random testing also deters the use of illegal substances while performing safety-sensitive duties and removes those from their functions if found to be under the influence of any substance.

Regulation Requirements

FAA regulations require employers of DOT safety-sensitive employees to implement random drug tests, which involves:

  • The use of scientific methods for employee selection to implement random tests
  • Ensuring every employee has an equal chance of testing in every selection done
  • Ensuring secrecy of the testing so that employees remain unaware of the times and methods to be used
  • Spreading random tests over the year in a reasonable manner
  • Using a “minimum annual percentage rate” as mandated by the FAA so that you test a sufficient number of employees every year

The “minimum annual percentage rate” for 2021 is 25% for drugs and 10% for alcohol, but the FAA establishes these rates annually, so you must remain current.

Employers can find out more about random drug and alcohol testing in this guide.

Failure or Refusal of a Drug and/or Alcohol Test

If your employee fails, or refuses a drug or alcohol test, you must immediately remove them from their safety-sensitive duties. The next step is to refer them for a DOT SAP program for an evaluation. Finally, the SAP will recommend treatment and/or education programs.

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