Post-Accident Drug Testing for FAA Employees

Under what circumstances does the FAA mandate drug testing for safety-sensitive employees involved in an accident? The FAA requires post-accident drug testing after any event causing substantial damage or serious injury after a flight has been boarded. Damage or injury occurring while the aircraft is in flight and up until everyone has disembarked the aircraft also necessitates post-accident drug and/or alcohol testing. The employees implicated in the accident must undergo testing within 32 hours of the event.

What are Violations of the FAA’s Regulations?

Failed drug tests indicate an employee was under the influence while on duty. Additionally, alcohol tests that result in bloodstream alcohol concentrations of 0.04% or over are considered violations. Employees refusing to submit to a drug or alcohol test after involvement in an event causing injury or damage will automatically be in violation of the FAA’s testing regulations.

What Happens to FAA Mandated Employees Who Fail?

Before being allowed to return to safety-sensitive duties, FAA mandated employees who violate drug and/or alcohol testing regulations must have an in-person evaluation with a DOT-qualified Substance Abuse Professional (SAP). A SAP recommends a treatment and/or educational program to the employee. Next, the SAP submits a written report to the Designated Employer Representative (DER) regarding the face-to-face meeting. Details of the recommended treatment program are included in the report.

After the employee complies with the SAP’s recommendations, they must attend a follow-up face-to-face meeting with their SAP. If the SAP is satisfied with the outcome of the employee’s treatment, they will send documentation to the DER indicating the employee’s treatment was successful.

Return-to-Duty Regulations Mandated by the FAA

Before FAA mandated employees can return to their safety-sensitive position, they need to pass a return-to-duty drug/alcohol test. After returning to work, FAA mandated employees must submit to a prescribed number of follow-up drug/alcohol tests as directed by their SAP. All tests occur under “direct observation” to prevent discrepancies.

SAP Referral Services facilitates the process of accessing SAPs, confirming compliance and getting employees back to work as soon as possible. Partner with SAP Referral Services and connect with a DOT-qualified SAP in your area. Click here to learn more about our FastTrack Enrollment or give us a call today at 888-720-SAPS.

SAP Referral Services (SRS) is the leading facilitator for mandated substance abuse evaluations. SRS maintains an extensive network of qualified providers in more than 3,000 locations nationwide for testing violations that originate from any of the DOT’s modes including FMCSA, FAA, FRA, FTA, USCG and PHMSA, or a company’s internal drug and alcohol testing policy.