Looking for a SAP List After a DOT Drug or Alcohol Test Violation?

DOT mandated safety-sensitive employees are required to adhere to drug and alcohol testing regulations. This policy protects the public’s safety when using public transportation in the United States. What happens when an employee fails a test or refuses to participate in a test? DOT mandated safety-sensitive employees must complete a return-to-duty process with a qualified SAP (Substance Abuse Professional) to be eligible to return to work. So, the next step is to immediately find a SAP. However, finding the right SAP may not be that easy on your own. Read on to learn how SAP Referral Services (SRS) provides quick access to a SAP list of qualified professionals to DOT mandated employees in locations throughout the US.

Benefits of Using SAP Referral Services

You may not realize it, but not all SAPs are the same. DOT SAPs must maintain specific criterion and continuing education requirements to be considered qualified. If an employee completes the return-to-duty process with a SAP whose qualifications have expired, the employee will be required to repeat the entire program. Fortunately, SRS eliminates this risk by guaranteeing SAPs that are fully qualified at the time of first contact.

Plus, with SRS you can typically be connected with a SAP within 72 business hours of reaching out. The faster the return-to-duty process begins, the faster employees can return to work and earn a living again.

Quick Access to a SAP List by Enrolling in FastTrack

SRS offers employees the ability to access a FastTrack Enrollment program. After enrolling, SRS connects the employee with a qualified SAP from their SAP list quickly. Enrollment includes two face-to-face substance abuse evaluations, recommendations for treatment and/or education, a SAP report for the initial meeting and the follow-up, and recommendation for a return-to-duty test.

Employees can feel comforted the return-to-duty process will be handled quickly and correctly. SRS has helped over 25,000 employees in the return-to-duty process since 2003; no one understands better how the return-to-duty process works. Enroll in FastTrack today and get back to work sooner.

SAP Referral Services (SRS) is the leading facilitator for mandated substance abuse evaluations. SRS maintains an extensive network of qualified providers in more than 3,000 locations nationwide for testing violations that originate from any of the DOT’s modes including FMCSA, FAA, FRA, FTA, USCG and PHMSA, or a company’s internal drug and alcohol testing policy.