Locating a SAP Provider in New York

If obtaining and keeping a safety-sensitive job with any of the modes overseen by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) interests you, you have to follow the current work safety rules as well as the guidelines that pertain to the misuse of alcohol and drugs as described by the DOT. Not meeting DOT requirements for drugs and alcohol use, such as failing the tests for drugs and alcohol abuse, will result in immediate suspension from your safety-sensitive duties. Next, you must complete a SAP program. Fortunately, with the help of SAP Referral Services you can quickly locate a SAP provider in New York, New Jersey or elsewhere in the United States.

What are the Next Steps?

Do you know what happens if you refuse to take, or test positive on, a drug and/or alcohol test? First, as mentioned above, you will be removed from your safety-sensitive duties. Next, a substance abuse professional (SAP) will evaluate you. Your SAP will prescribe education or a treatment program which you must comply with. Finally, you must submit to a follow up evaluation. Upon confirming compliance, the SAP gives a recommendation to provide a negative breath and/or urine specimen. Only then will you be cleared to possibly return to your safety-sensitive duties.

How Can SRS Help an Employee Who Needs a SAP?

If you need a SAP quickly, SAP Referral Services offers the ability to enroll in FastTrack. This program allows you to be seen by a qualified DOT SAP in as little as 72 hours. Enrolling via FastTrack includes:

  • Initial evaluation scheduling
  • Two face-to-face substance abuse evaluations
  • Education or treatment recommendations
  • Initial and follow-up SAP reports
  • Recommendations for submitting to a return-to-duty test

What are the Benefits of Using SAP Referral Services?

The SAPs provided by SAP Referral Services are guaranteed to be fully qualified at the time of your initial evaluation. If you were to try and find a SAP on your own, you risk the chance of completing the program with a SAP who has let their qualifications lapse. Unfortunately, that would mean you will have to repeat the entire process. Having to repeat this process means more time out of work and likely a further delay in receiving a paycheck.

When you need a SAP provider in New York, or anywhere in the U.S., SAP Referral Services is here to help with clinical specialists in over 3,000 locations. We offer FastTrack Enrollment and quick access to qualified SAPs. We have helped over 25,000 employees with their return-to-duty process, and we’re ready to help you. Contact us today to learn more information about our processes and referral services.

SAP Referral Services (SRS) is the leading facilitator for mandated substance abuse evaluations. SRS maintains an extensive network of qualified providers in more than 3,000 locations nationwide for testing violations that originate from any of the DOT’s modes including FMCSA, FAA, FRA, FTA, USCG and PHMSA, or a company’s internal drug and alcohol testing policy.