Locating a List of DOT SAP Providers

DOT mandated safety-sensitive employees are expected to provide a safe environment for both their coworkers and the traveling public. One of the ways to ensure safety is by requiring drug and alcohol testing for these employees. They are tested before being hired, randomly throughout their career, after many types of accidents and if there is suspicion regarding their use of drug and/or alcohol. When an employee fails or refuses a test, they must complete a return-to-duty process led by a SAP (Substance Abuse Professional). To begin the process, they need to locate the best DOT SAP providers in their area. At SAP Referral Services we help employees start the return-to-duty process by providing a nationwide network of over 3,000 specialists.

Who Can be a DOT Qualified SAP?

The Department of Transportation (DOT) defines SAPs as individuals that help evaluate people who have violated a DOT drug and/or alcohol program regulation. After evaluation, the SAP makes recommendations to the employee that may include treatment programs, education, and aftercare. The DOT has specific requirements for a SAP to be considered DOT-qualified.

To be a DOT-qualified SAP, the professional must have:

  • A medical license or certificate (Doctor of Medicine or Osteopathy, social worker, psychologist, employee assistance professional, marriage and family therapist, Internationally Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor)
  • Participated in a DOT certification training course
  • Passed a DOT SAP written exam
  • Completed 12 hours of continuing education every three years
  • Been actively providing their services as a SAP

How SRS Helps Employees Find DOT SAP Providers Quickly

DOT mandated employers are required to provide a list of SAPs to any employee who fails drug and/or alcohol testing. However, many don’t regularly check that the list only includes SAPs with up-to-date DOT qualifications. If an employee completes their return-to-duty process with a SAP that is no longer DOT-qualified, the employee must redo the entire process, wasting both time and money.

SAP Referral Services (SRS) provides access to SAPs in your area that are guaranteed to be DOT-qualified at the time of your initial contact. This guarantee eliminates the risk of being forced to repeat the process.

SRS FastTrack Enrollment

FastTrack Enrollment offered by SRS allows you to start the return-to-duty process in just two steps. Typically, we can schedule with a qualified DOT SAP provider in your area within 72 business hours. We have helped 25,000+ employees in the return-to-duty process and look forward to working with you, too. Enroll today to begin the return-to-duty program and get back to work!

SAP Referral Services (SRS) is the leading facilitator for mandated substance abuse evaluations. SRS maintains an extensive network of qualified providers in more than 3,000 locations nationwide for testing violations that originate from any of the DOT’s modes including FMCSA, FAA, FRA, FTA, USCG and PHMSA, or a company’s internal drug and alcohol testing policy.