How Does a DOT Substance Abuse Professional Help DOT-Mandated Employees?

Have you recently failed a DOT-mandated drug and/or alcohol test and are looking for a DOT Substance Abuse Professional to help you get back to work?

Employees subject to 49 CFR Part-40 are individuals working in “safety-sensitive” positions in the transportation sector. These employees perform duties that impact their and the general public’s safety.

Federal and state laws prohibit safety-sensitive employees from performing safety-sensitive duties while impaired. Part 40 regulated employees who fail drug or alcohol tests need return-to-work documentation from a qualified DOT Substance Abuse Professional to resume working.

Who are Safety Sensitive Employees?

Safety-sensitive employees are required to undergo periodic drug and alcohol tests. 49 CFR Part 40 covers the following employees:

  1. A person who operates a CMV as per FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety) Rules
  2. Locomotive engineers, switchmen, trainmen, conductors, and persons who perform other services covered by FRA (Federal Railroad Administration) rules
  3. Cabin-crew members, flight attendants, or other persons who perform safety-sensitive FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) duties
  4. Persons who perform revenue vehicle operation, maintenance, control, and dispatch duties as per FTA(Federal Transit Administration) regulations
  5. Persons who perform on a pipeline or LNG facilities, operations, maintenance or an emergency response function as per PHMSA (Pipeline Hazardous Materials Safety Administration)
  6. Persons who work in USCG (United States Coast Guard) regulated positions who are licensed, certified or merchant mariner documented

When do Safety-Sensitive Employees Need Drug Tests?

Part 40 employers are required to ensure that employees take drug tests when:

  1. The employee is a new hire or before the employee starts performing safety-sensitive functions
  2. The employee was involved in an accident or other incident that meets the requirements of Part 40
  3. The employer has “reasonable cause or suspicion” that the employee was working under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  4. As part of “return-to-work” requirements

Safety-sensitive employees who fail DOT-mandated drug or alcohol tests face temporary suspension from work and must attend treatment and education programs prescribed by a mandated DOT-qualified SAP.

Who is a DOT Substance Abuse Professional?

A DOT Substance Abuse Professional evaluates safety-sensitive employees who failed DOT-mandated drug or alcohol tests and recommends necessary treatment, education, and aftercare programs. These professionals are usually psychologists, marriage and famiy therapists, drug and alcohol counselors, certified employee assistance professionals, or social workers who have completed SAP training and possess the necessary licenses to perform SAP services.

Service agents like SAP Referral Services (SRS) can help Part-40 mandated employees connect with a reliable, DOT Substance Abuse Professional in their location in around 72 business hours.

Contact SRS to Find a DOT Substance Abuse Professional!

Contact SRS if you are looking for a Substance Abuse Professional in your area. You may contact SRS at 410-668-8110 to find out more about our services.

SAP Referral Services (SRS) is the leading facilitator for mandated substance abuse evaluations. SRS maintains an extensive network of qualified providers in more than 3,000 locations nationwide for testing violations that originate from any of the DOT’s modes including FMCSA, FAA, FRA, FTA, USCG and PHMSA, or a company’s internal drug and alcohol testing policy.