Find SAP Professionals Quickly!

If you have been told that you need to find SAP professionals following a failed drug and alcohol test, it is important to ensure they are licensed and practicing in your area so you can get back to work. As a DOT safety-sensitive employee, once you are removed from your safety-sensitive duties you are not allowed to return until you have completed the return-to-duty process which is initiated with a meeting with a substance abuse professional.

You also will not be able to get a different safety-sensitive job with another company, as employers can see your drug and/or alcohol test results and would require you to complete the return-to-duty process as well. Therefore, time is of the essence if you want to return to work. SAP Referral Services (SRS) can find SAP professionals quickly to help expedite this process.

Why Are Safety-Sensitive Employees Removed from Their Positions If They Fail a Drug and/or Alcohol Test?

DOT mandates that all safety-sensitive employees be removed from their safety-sensitive position following a failed or refused drug and alcohol test. A safety-sensitive employee is not only endangering themselves when they abuse drugs and/or alcohol while on duty, their mistake can pose a grave danger to everyone around them.

DOT modes include: aviation, maritime, pipelines, railroads, roadway, and transit. Commercial drivers, for example, pose a danger to the roadway while pilots could endanger the lives of those on board a plane. If you have a momentary lapse in judgment and fail a drug test or alcohol test you need to find SAP professionals to get started on the return-to-duty process.

Find SAP Professionals In Your Area Quickly

It is understandable to be confused and panicked following a failed test, but you can find SAP professionals in your area that can help get you back into the workplace. While your employer may hand you a list, it may not be up to date or those SAP professionals may not have openings. When you work with a service agent you will be connected immediately to currently qualified SAP professionals. Therefore, the best way to find SAP professionals is to connect with SRS. We will quickly connect you to an SAP professional and get you on your way towards reemployment.