Fast Access to SAP Locations Near You

A failed or refused drug and/or alcohol test means a DOT mandated safety-sensitive employee must find a SAP (Substance Abuse Professional). Before an employee can hope to return to safety-sensitive duties, the DOT requires that these employees go through a return-to-duty process. It is important to note that this process must be led by a DOT-qualified SAP. Only after complying with a SAP’s education and/or treatment recommendations, is it possible to resume previous duties. Getting started the path back to work is easier when you partner with SAP Referral Services. We provide access to convenient SAP locations regardless of where you live. Please read on to learn more.

Why the DOT Requires Testing

DOT mandated drug and alcohol testing is done to ensure that you and your fellow employees work safely in these challenging fields. Consider this, without testing, operators of dangerous equipment or those in critical parts of the transportation industry could endanger themselves as well as others. The Department of Transportation refers to the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991 as Congress’ way of recognizing the great need to ensure the pubic that transportation employees remain drug and alcohol-free.

Helping You Find SAP Locations

When employees violate drug and/or alcohol regulations, all hope is not lost. The DOT outlines a comprehensive return-to-duty process to ensure that good people don’t lose their livelihood due to their failed drug and/or alcohol test. Here is where a Substance Abuse Professional comes in. Each SAP is a crucial provider of information and their recommendations play an important role in getting safety-sensitive employees on the road to recovery.

Fast and efficient access to local SAPs is vital. SAP Referral Services keeps an updated list of DOT-qualified SAPs across the United States. Our specialists are in over 3,000 locations nationwide. We also guarantee that your SAP is fully DOT-qualified at the time of your initial consultation.

Our FastTrack Enrollment saves you time since we simplify the search for a DOT-qualified SAP. Join the more than 25,000 employees who have already used our services. Contact us now and see how we make the difference in the return-to-duty process.

SAP Referral Services (SRS) is the leading facilitator for mandated substance abuse evaluations. SRS maintains an extensive network of qualified providers in more than 3,000 locations nationwide for testing violations that originate from any of the DOT’s modes including FMCSA, FAA, FRA, FTA, USCG and PHMSA, or a company’s internal drug and alcohol testing policy.