Employers – Ditch the SAP List and Get Your Employees Connected Today!

Safety-sensitive employees are strictly prohibited from possessing or using alcohol or drugs while performing safety-sensitive functions. Employees who violate DOT regulations are suspended from safety-sensitive duties immediately and are required to attend evaluations, treatment and/or education, and follow-up testing under the guidance of a SAP.

All employers covered under DOT rule 49 CFR Part 40 must conduct drug and alcohol testing for safety-sensitive employees. If an employee fails the DOT-mandated drug/alcohol test, the employer may refer them to a SAP referral service agent or provide a list of SAP’s that they have located on their own; have credentialed and continually verify all necessary licenses, certificates, and on-going requalification documents.

Choosing a SAP

Safety-sensitive employers should ensure that the employee completes return-to-duty procedures and adheres to follow-up tests. Additionally, they should also verify if the SAP possesses the necessary qualifications and fulfills the requirements mandated by the DOT prior to each referral.

Why Approach a Service Agent Instead of Using a SAP List

Various lists of SAP’s may be found online, however, employers should be aware that these providers are not credentialed by any independent authorities. The SAP’s are self reporting their qualifications and the companies producing these lists are noting that they are not liable for misrepresented information.

While the SAP list contains names and contact details of self-reported qualified SAPs, employers are responsible for requesting and verifying the SAP’s qualifications on their own. It could also take much longer to find a SAP and complete the return-to-duty procedure without the help of a service agent, as employees will have to call multiple SAPs, wait for returned calls, schedule an appointment, etc. If an employee completes the process with a SAP who has expired credentials they may have to repeat the process again.

Employers cannot let employees resume safety-sensitive duties till the entire return-to-duty process is complete. Service agents, such as SAP Referral Services, specializing in referral services work with Substance Abuse Professionals across America and help employees connect with a qualified SAP in very little time.

Service agents verify the credentials and qualifications of SAPs they work with. Additionally, the agents will also help employers and employees schedule the initial evaluation appointment. Therefore, service agents help employees enroll in and complete the return-to-duty process faster.

Ditch the SAP List and Contact SRS!

Ignore the SAP list and contact SRS if you need to find a DOT-approved SAP for your employee. We work with qualified SAPs in over 3,000 locations across the US and can connect your employee to a SAP in as few as 72 business hours. Contact us or call 410-668-8110 to learn more about our referral service programs.