Easily Locate SAP Programs in New York

DOT mandated safety-sensitive employees, as the name implies, perform job functions that require safety considerations. Many of these employees operate large vehicles, which means they must remain alert and focused. And under no circumstances can these employees be under the influence of drugs or alcohol while at work. Consequently, the DOT conducts random drug and alcohol testing on these workers and requires anyone who has refused or failed a test to complete a return-to-duty process with a SAP. If you’ve recently failed a drug and/or alcohol screening and are looking for SAP programs in New York, SRS is your answer. Thanks to our network of specialists, we connect employees with DOT-qualified SAPs across the nation.

My Employer Provides a List of SAPs, Why Should I Choose SRS?

DOT employers are legally required to provide their employees with a list of Substance Abuse Professionals (SAPs). However, many fail to update their list for accuracy. Many likely don’t find the time to do so. So, what does this mean for employees?

SAPs must stay up-to-date with their DOT qualifications by completing periodic additional coursework. Failure to do so means their DOT qualifications expire. Lists created and then never updated may be filled with SAPs who allowed their qualifications to lapse.

Unfortunately, if you work with a SAP who is no longer DOT qualified, you’ll have to redo the entire process. This duplication means you have to pay for the course twice, waste twice as much time, and prolong the time you’re off work and not earning money.

At SRS our number one priority is helping employees connect with SAPs in their area. Additionally, we guarantee that your SAP will be fully DOT qualified the time of your initial contact. We remove all the unnecessary risk of repeating the program due to qualification issues.

Contact SRS to Find SAP Programs in New York

SRS has a nationwide network of professionals in over 3,000 locations across the country. This vast number means we identify a SAP that is close to you, making appointments easier. If you’re looking for SAP programs in New York,  or anywhere in the country, you came to the right place.

Discover our FastTrack Enrollment. Get started in just two simple steps! We’ve helped over 25,000+ employees in the return-to-duty process. Trust us to get you back to work quickly and sign up today.

SAP Referral Services (SRS) is the leading facilitator for mandated substance abuse evaluations. SRS maintains an extensive network of qualified providers in more than 3,000 locations nationwide for testing violations that originate from any of the DOT’s modes including FMCSA, FAA, FRA, FTA, USCG and PHMSA, or a company’s internal drug and alcohol testing policy.