DOT SAP: What is the Return to Duty Process?

As an employer of DOT-mandated employees, you are aware of DOT drug and/or alcohol policies. Implemented to ensure the transportation industry remains drug-free and alcohol-free, these rules keep safety in mind at all times. From the initial drug and alcohol tests to the return to duty process, your employees must comply with the protocol outlined by the DOT.

Reasons Why Your Employee Must Comply with Return-To-Duty Testing

Should a CDL driver refuse or fail to take a DOT screening test, they are required to complete a program with a DOT qualified SAP before they can get back behind the wheel. This procedure is referred to the return-to-duty (RTD) process. This drug and alcohol test is conducted upon successfully complying with a SAP’s outlined education and/or treatment and is under direct observation. As an employer, you are expected to meet all standards set by the DOT drug and testing requirements.

How Does SRS Take the Burden Off of the Employer?

Keeping track of the DOT drug and alcohol regulations, including the return-to-duty process with a DOT SAP, can be complicated. The process varies from employee to employee, as it’s dependent on their unique situation. For example, some individuals will need to combine their treatment options with educational programs, while others may not.

What does not change is the responsibility of the employer. Employers must ensure the entire return to work process is up to DOT standards. This includes ensuring the DOT SAP is up to date in their qualifications. Rather than risk falling out of compliance, it is best for your organization to partner with SAP Referral Services (SRS).

SRS oversees all aspects of the return to work process with a DOT SAP, who provides follow-up testing recommendations based on the evaluation and as aligned with DOT regulations. Our qualified SAPs all meet clinical licensing requirements and perform face-to-face evaluations.

We’ve successfully completed these steps time and time again, so that you don’t have to.

SRS Manages Your Employees Needs

Established in 2003, SRS is now the leading facilitator for mandated substance abuse evaluations. Thousands of organizations trust SRS with meeting DOT standards for SAP procedures. SRS provides employees with qualified SAPs to ensure that all assessments are quick and professional.

SRS retains all copies of case reports and SAP credentials. We offer reporting that always complies with DOT guidelines and keep documentation records for 5 years. And in the case of a Part 40 audit, all records will be easily accessible through SRS.

To find out more about how SRS can help your organization, please click here.


SAP Referral Services (SRS) is the leading facilitator for mandated substance abuse evaluations. SRS maintains an extensive network of qualified providers in more than 3,000 locations nationwide for testing violations that originate from any of the DOT’s modes including FMCSA, FAA, FRA, FTA, USCG and PHMSA, or a company’s internal drug and alcohol testing policy.