DOT SAP Program for FTA Mandated Employees

The U.S. government has many departments, processes and regulations in place to protect the public. The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) is one of these regulatory institutions. To maintain safety, the FTA requires random drug and alcohol testing for DOT (Department of Transportation) mandated safety-sensitive employees.

Why Does the FTA Require Drug and Alcohol Testing?

Many DOT employees are responsible for the safe transportation of the public. Because citizens should always feel safe when they take public transportation, the FTA monitors local public transit systems. These systems include buses, light rail, subway, and commuter rail systems. FTA mandated alcohol and drug testing helps ensure the public is never put into danger by a DOT employee.

Each DOT agency has its own testing rate for drugs and alcohol. The rates range from 10% up to 50%. Employees are selected randomly and can be preselected for testing if there is evidence the employee has been under the influence at work.

Why FTA Mandated Employees Would Need a SAP Program

An FTA mandated employee who fails their drug and/or alcohol testing will need to complete a DOT SAP program. Note that employees that refuse to participate in testing are subject to the same consequences as a failed test and need to complete the SAP program.

A Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) helps individuals address their substance abuse issues. The SAP evaluates employees and recommends their treatment plan that may include education and treatment programs, as well as aftercare and follow-up testing.

When drugs and alcohol have impacted your work, it’s gotten out of control. A SAP program assists an individual to get the help they need and regain control of their life. It also ensures the employee stops participating in dangerous decisions that can negatively impact the well-being of the public.

Enroll in a DOT SAP Program with SAP Referral Services (SRS)

An employee’s employer is legally required to provide them with a list of SAPs, or a referral to a service agent. Oftentimes, SAP lists may be outdated and include professionals that haven’t kept up with their licensing and training. Completing the DOT SAP program with an unqualified professional may require the employee to retake the program. Avoid this risk by using SAP Referral Services, a service agent. SRS guarantees to connect you with a SAP who is fully DOT qualified at the time of contact.

Additionally, SRS offers a FastTrack enrollment program that only requires two steps to enroll. Typically, within 72 business hours, employees connect with a qualified SAP in their area. Enroll today to get back to work as quickly as possible.

SAP Referral Services (SRS) is the leading facilitator for mandated substance abuse evaluations. SRS maintains an extensive network of qualified providers in more than 3,000 locations nationwide for testing violations that originate from any of the DOT’s modes including FMCSA, FAA, FRA, FTA, USCG and PHMSA, or a company’s internal drug and alcohol testing policy.