Ditch the SAP List and Find a Provider NOW

In 1991 Congress passed the Omnibus Act which recognized that alcohol and drug abuse posed a significant threat to the general public. In order to protect citizens, the act created guidelines to ensure DOT-mandated safety-sensitive employees were not impaired by alcohol or drugs while in the workplace. All employees who are DOT-mandated have to follow strict drug testing guidelines as outlined by the Omnibus Act. If a drug test is failed, then the employee will be removed from their safety-sensitive position and find a Substance Abuse Professional by way of a SAP list, or by connecting with a service agent like SAP Referral Services.

What is a DOT-Mandated Employee?

Truck drivers, public transit workers, construction workers, maritime employees, air and ground crew, pipeline workers, and railroad industry employees are considered DOT-mandated employees. As such, they are subject to all DOT-mandated drug testing policies. If an employee fails the drug test they must see a SAP provider and complete the return to duty process, including compliance to an assigned treatment and/or education program. They also must retake and pass a drug test under direct observation before returning to the workplace.

Finding a SAP Provider: SAP List Vs Service Agent

After failing a drug test, an employee has to find a SAP provider to initiate the process that will allow them to return to work. Finding a SAP provider can be difficult. Many companies keep a SAP list on hand, but this SAP list is oftentimes outdated and many professionals listed on it may no longer be properly qualified.

This is why it is better to work with a service agent, such as SAP Referral Services. They can connect you to a SAP in your area that has openings and is fully qualified. Unfortunately, if you complete the process with a SAP from an outdated SAP list and discover that they have let their credentials lapse, you will need to complete the process again.

Streamline the Process by Skipping the SAP List

SAP Referral Services knows time is of the essence if you are removed from your workplace due to a failed drug test. We can connect you to a SAP so you don’t have to bother with an old SAP list. SRS works with employees and SAP providers across the nation and can quickly initiate the first step of the return to duty process for you by connecting you with a qualified Substance Abuse Provider.

If you are ready to get your job back, get in touch with SAP Referral Services by calling 410-668-8110.

SAP Referral Services (SRS) is the leading facilitator for mandated substance abuse evaluations. SRS maintains an extensive network of qualified providers in more than 3,000 locations nationwide for testing violations that originate from any of the DOT’s modes including FMCSA, FAA, FRA, FTA, USCG and PHMSA, or a company’s internal drug and alcohol testing policy.